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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I'm Feeling A Little Crazy Today

What will be the legacy of me?? You ever wonder that? Okay, your mental question to yourself was probably in more proper english, but really...ever wonder what you'll leave behind? Once again my mother has casually reached into my mind and turned on a light.

She reminds me that although many of us feel like today is never going to end, and maybe take our own lives for granted. She reminds me that we will get old and eventually we will all pass on.

I'm watching replays of the Chicago Bulls run to glory in the 95/96 NBA season, and seeing Michael Jordan as he used to rise above the rim and conquer the basket over and over no matter what. Now he is older and his days above the rim have passed him by, but the legacy he leaves behind is immortal.

The thing is that time will pass, and opportunities for you to find greatness in yourself will also come and go. I'm not always going to be young and full of energy to go out and get things done, make things happen. My ninja maneuvers are not always going to be a strong as they are now. My ability to woo any woman will weaken in time... And don't let yourself get too tangled up relying on the time you still have either, because no matter your age, wealth, health, or superpowers (and I have many), tomorrow is promised to none of us.

Take hold of your life, your goals, your dreams, as you are the one who gets to decide how you are remembered. You are the one who gets to decide what you leave behind. And I am the one who will flirt with the idea of world peace, while hocking my "Peace Dove" t-shirts.


Anonymous said...

I think I speak for everyone when I say that we desire visual images to help with these pearls of wisdom. And I know the ladies would love it if they were photos of The Gerald. I think, as most do, that The Gerald should really be given another nickname, such as Halley, after the comet.

Now I know as children we all thought Halley's Comet was this amazing comet...but sadly its not. See, in every century many long-period comets appear brighter and more spectacular, Halley is the only short-period comet that is clearly visible to the naked eye, and thus, the only naked-eye comet certain to return within a human lifetime. So, its not that brilliant nor is is that rare. That's all, not as special as we all thought.

Oh well. It was worth a shot and on second thought, since its not that rare comparatively, forget the request for photos. I am not afraid of leaving my name, I'd just rather leave it a mystery so others can blog their guests of who wrote this poignant, insightful and spelling error free blog.

Anonymous said...

perhaps free of spelling errors, but grammatical errors do abound.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, wikipedia, for your insightful comments. One might argue that Halley's Comet is that special, being that it "is the only short-period comet that is clearly visible to the naked eye, and thus, the only naked-eye comet certain to return within a human lifetime."

I think my favorite part of your comment is the "poignant, insightfulness" of your grammatical error. You know, if you are going to tout your "spelling error free-ness" you might want to proofread your comments. I imagine you meant to use the word "guesses."

Furthermore, you might want to spend some time reflecting upon your own self esteem issues. Perhaps you're not feeling very special? That's okay, if you would like some pointers on how to increase your self esteem, you can always ask The Gerald, although I can understand how you might be intimidated by him.

Anonymous said...

Jerry, once my back is mended, I say we go find this guy and beat they're ass to. I can not believe the audacity this person has. To mock THE GERALD?! Whom does he think he be? Their will be blood and we'll wipe it off hour fists with you're peace dove t-shirts. Whose in? Fore real.

Bo aka "Just kidding" fka "Tryed to make a joke"

Anonymous said...


I have never seen so many spelling errors in my life.

I love you.

Anonymous said...

Well, Gerald, it looks like you'll be pondering your legacy for a long time to come. In the meantime, however, the above comments will insure that the legacies of the commentators will be petty, childish behavior and arguments on the Internet about spelling and grammatical errors. Now that I think about it, though, I've noticed the man himself has not returned comment on the thoughts of others. Perhaps then his legacy is to be one who is willing to stir the pot, but never to step in when it's at a full boil.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...never thought it was at full boil. anonymous must not have a sense of humor or have friends that joke with one another. i get a blast when i can make snide comments that attempt to ridicule others and allow others to do the same to me.

wait, never mind,the previous comment was a smart way of making fun of the gerald. my apologies, hahaha, making fun of jerry is fun. oh also, after reading my comment, i saw that i misspelled some words, it should have been piece dove shirt, stupid esl.

Anonymous said...

I would rather have a legacy that has my name attached to it than hide behind an anonymous one.


Anonymous said...

Yet further proof that Maureen can do nothing but antagonize others. Perhaps the reason I am anonymous is simply that I do not belong to this particular site and thus am not allowed to leave a tag. I will not deny that I enjoy reading Gerald's blog. I enjoy it for many reasons, one of which is that he seems to have a similar sense of humor to which I can ascribe. I left my comment merely as a way of enticing a chuckle. Clearly Gerald does not avoid sticky situations. How can a person fully express himself if he worries about what others think? Some, however, seem to care a great deal about appearances. I do so love the term "loser" thrown my way. Grow up, Marueen. It's the only way you'll be tolerable as a human being. Also, it might teach you to have a sense of humor beyond middle school, where yours seems to be.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of anonymous and of losers:
• one of the members of my alliance in an online video game that i play is named, "Annonymousloozah".

Maybe all of you are related to him? Sweet! We-are-fam-ily! I got all my sisters and me!

Anonymous said...

For Christ sakes...I am not 100% sure if the anonymous that everyone seems to be arguing with is the same person, as any dumbass can login into this riduclous site and be whomever they want.

With that being said... is it the same user that quoted the ridiculous Mark Twain-esque analogy of the comet (for those dumb asses out there the connection between Mark Twain and the comet is that he was born on the day the comet appeared and died the day after it's return in 1910...) the same one who then back paddles to say he enjoys reading the posts as well?

I guess that leads me to ask, why would you then even post the originating comment to start with?
It's not really a criticism as much as it an attack...and then you insightfully regard Maureens defense of her friend "The Gerald" <=btw you need another nickname...every time I refer to you in that name I feel like I am rooting for an special Olympics ringer.

To which you then proceed to belittle her.....and by saying that you're not afraid of leaving your name, doesn't that volunteer the fact that you are just.. well I dunno, a f*ing chicken? I mean come on why say it if you aren't going to just post your actual name?

Seems to me like you should just start your own blog....I plan on starting one called a weekly kick in the geralds ass..but I know Jerry quite well and I think I earned a right to harass him just a little and objectively poke fun at him, I mean F*ck doing it anonymously, the whole fun and the point of doing anything is letting people know who you actually are.

I am going to guess you're a girl, because well, your crime scene of comments are riddled with clues such as "maybe you should post a picture so all the ladies can see"
and the not quite so eloquent analogy of Jerry and Halley.

Another clue is your diligent angry kitten like responses towards maureen.....she seemed to articulate a pretty fair assessment of your comments, but then you fall to the classic internet forum/blog comment role of just saying that everyone is being petty and childish and then continue to flame everyone.

As far as things go here though I see no boiling pot or anything that is being stirred...I see you ineffectively trying to stir things and heat things up, but alas lack the necessary skills to do so...maybe because things are way to childish here by all the "commentators" ....Jack ass

Anonymous said...

and yes I know....there are spelling errors and grammatical errors....but it's the internet.... I don't give a f*ck
