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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Two Fer Revisted

Morning, peoples! I'm sure most of you are still waking up at your desks, as I currently am, trying to find motivation to be productive today. Well, it is Two Fer Tuesday, so make sure to set those two goals for yourself and try your best to see them through by day's end. Try not to pile on too much for yourself, as it can have the same effect as when you try to put too many sheets of paper through the shuts down and then you have a hell of a time un-jamming it. Sometimes it gets so bad you just have to leave it and hope the opportunity to blame someone else comes up.

My two goals for the day will be to be more productive than I was yesterday (I was pretty busy yesterday, time flew by and I didn't get to work on some of the things I need to work on), and to spend some laid back quality time with a good friend. Just chillin with good friends or family after a long and productive day can be very therapeutic. Good friends appreciate you for who you are. Some of you have significant others that you will go home to, others have close friends too hang out with, make sure you let them know that you appreciate them occasionally. Something so simple can mean a lot, especially for old people like me...

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