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Monday, April 7, 2008


Okay, so I was a little upset this morning, just needed to vent. Now, I was still a little grumpy until I was presented with a very intriguing question, "Jerry, where did you get Chipotle from?" What a strange question, I'm eating from a bag that says "Chipotle", she knows I'm eating food from Chipotle, and yet she asks the most mind-blowing question of the day! I didn't even know how to answer the question, I was shocked! I told her it's right around the corner from the factory where they make white meat chickens and dark meat chickens. Have a good evening everybody, and remember, if it looks like Chipotle, it smells like Chipotle, and the bag says Chipotle, it probably came from Chipotle.


Anonymous said...

Courious as to why this just came in my email now...but nonetheless if you hear hoofs think horses not zebras.

Anonymous said...

This came to your e-mail because Jerry doesn't know how to work his own blog....Oh snap!

Sorry...had to say it Jer-bear. You need me.

Anonymous said...

You're right, I do. I'm man enough at least to admit that.
