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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Excuses, Excuses

Hello everybody. Sorry I was not able to grace you with any rants, insight, or humor yesterday. I had to be at work early, and needed to be on point, as I had a long day ahead of me.

Excuses aside, I did miss sharing my ridiculous thoughts with you and hearing what you think about them, I know, I know, what I really missed was feeding my ego... Speaking of excuses, I have been thinking about the word recently. It has come up here and there with the "don't gimme excuses" type talk.

First of all, I was always brought up not to have excuses, but just to figure out a way and always get it done. This was drilled into my head over and over as I grew from childhood into my teenage years, and then into the statue-like body, god like face, and genius mind you experience today as The Gerald... That was another one of my jokes that some of you will still take seriously.

I digress...excuses used to mean any reason that something could not or would not get done. No matter the task or the circumstances surrounding a task, it was always, "no excuses, just get it done", or "why didn't you do what I asked, and no excuses". Now, after hearing that I would always think, "so what the hell am I supposed to do now? I'm not allowed to say what the reason is..." Wrong. You are allowed to say, but don't ever just settle with not being able to get something done, no matter the reason.

For instance, there are a couple of people that I probably need to open up to more and explain how I really feel about certain things, and I haven't yet. My excuses may sound like this, "I haven't had time lately", or, "it hasen't been the right time", or, "I'm waiting for her to ask me what's on my mind". The list goes on... Now, my actual reasons might be that I'm scared of the consequences, or maybe I'm just lacking confidence.

You see, excuses are stretched and deranged explanations for why you either didn't do something or are not going to do because you don't want to. Reasons, on the other hand, are just challenges that you need to overcome to get what you need or want. Imagine not getting the girl (or guy) that might be the one for you just because you were scared. Imagine not becoming the billionaire music mogul because you thought it was impossible and didn't want to get off your ass and try. Imagine Jerry never hanging out with you because you just couldn't bring yourself to fork over the $1500 (cash) membership fee to be in the "Cool Club". It's really not that hard, just sit down one day and figure out what it is that you need or want to make you genuinely happy. Next, figure out what realistic steps you can take to get there.

Eventually you'll see that anything is possible, just doesn't always seem that way. (I say that and yet I still have a problem following it. Not so perfect after all, are we Jerry?) Have a good day today, everybody, and make someone smile today, it'll make you feel pretty good.



Anonymous said...

If you would like to know more about the "Cool Club", you should go here:

Jerry lent the book to me.

Anonymous said...

wow you have a blog. i am disappointed by the lack of baked goods pictures, though. clariceeeeeeeeeeee
