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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I Love Myself

Good morning to all, and to all a good morning. Sooooooooooo, some of you know I've been attending a weekly class called "Building Champions", more properly deemed by some as "I Love Myself 101". At first I didn't know what to think, and actually started the first class with some hesitation. Once the first class got underway, I realized that I was going to enjoy the class, and that there was a possibility that I'd come out of it loving myself even more! Jokes aside, it really has been a fulfilling course for me. I think I've learned a good amount from both our facilitator (she's pretty darn good) and from the other students in class. Once I was able to shut my own mouth for an extended period of time and others were feeling comfortable enough to open up, I think we all were able to learn new things about each other and ourselves. One of the most important lessons it reinforced for me was about the power of positive thinking. This whole abusive use of email privileges started because I was in a funk one day at work and needed a laugh. Once I got the laugh out, I was able to turn my whole day around. People tend to me more productive when they are happy, and tend to use more creativity in being productive. The positive attitude creates an atmosphere in which positive things are more likely to take place.

Sometimes I think we take our own minds for granted, not realizing how powerful they are. From now on, try to refrain from thinking, "it can't be done", or, "that's never going to work". Instead think, "I know this can work", or, "it can be done, I just need to figure out how...". You'll probably be a little surprised when things start going your way more often, because it seems like such a simple change. It's not always a simple thing to do, this thinking positively, and you're not always going to be in a good mood, conducive to your positive thinking, so just do something to get a quick laugh. Look in the mirror and fake a smile, tell a joke, write a funny email, or just close your eyes and think, "I wonder what it's like to be Jerry"...that should get a smile. Have a good day everybody, I'm gonna go get my self-lovin' on.

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