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Monday, May 12, 2008

When Will My Dreams Become My Reality?

Phew! Long weekend for me, it was a nice and relaxing retreat from the everyday grind. Now me thinks it's time to get back to work, make some moves and take care of some business, player!

Opportunities present themselves to us everyday, we just have to be prepared to notice them and take full advantage of them when they do appear. You see, opportunity is not really going to knock. It'll just be there momentarily, waiting for you to recognize it. If you don't, then it will pass, just like those two gorgeous, lingerie-clad bombshells that keep taunting me to follow them to bedroom. I hesitate for just a second to judge the reality of the situation before deciding I just want to see what happens. By the time I get to the room, they're gone. Everytime, man! It's always right after I drink this nighttime tea that I got from a witch that lives in van down by the river. Wait a minute, who was that witch anyways...

Okay, I guess the moral of this little side story is that when the opportunity to buy tea from a witch who lives in a van down by the river presents itself, don't buy the tea...actually just don't approach any van down by the river that witches live in. That seems like a good rule of thumb.

Okay, back to reality. So, opportunities will present themselves on a daily basis. Figure out which one's you're interested in exploring, and run with it. Just don't get caught hesitating too much, before you know it those opportunities will pass you by, you'll be pushin' 30 with no monumental achievement to speak of, all of your friends will already be married with kids, and you're still trying to figure out what you want to do with your life...

Alas, there is still hope. Russell Simmons could walk in here tomorrow and tell me that he wants me to take over Def Jam! Damnit! Witches and their tea!


Unknown said...

I'd like to share.

Today I have the opportunity to design a new SharePoint site to help the team communicate and work together! Dreams do come true, people. These are tears of joy. Tears of Joy!!!

msc said...

you say "...all of your friends will already be married with kids, and you're still trying to figure out what you want to do with your life..." So do we assume that w/o a wife/husband and potentially kids, too, we haven't really accomplished anything...or that those who have...well, have accomplished something? That's what I consider "Fox Frightening!"

Anonymous said...

Wait, I am pushing 30...And most my friends, er, well K, not most, but SOME of my friends are married and have kids and or long term where's that witch and her tea? I need me a fix of false reality! Mmmm false reality. But then again that's only good for dreams (and the nights I drink myself into that false reality, wait I don't do that, nooooo, never...), and damn if my dreams don't plague me.

But as somebody I never knew once said, "Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living."

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying that you need to be married or have kids to have "done something with your life". There's a lot that I want to do with my life still, professionally, but finding someone compatible that I can share life with is definitely high on my list of "Things to Do". Once that happens (if it happens) I think I'll feel like I've found what's really important (for me anyways).

Anonymous said...

I heard college opens up a lot of opportunities.

Anonymous said...

Why are you waiting or looking for the opportunity. Why don't you create your own opportunity.

Anonymous said...

You know what, Anonymous, you sound a hell of a lot like my mother, who coincidentally also seems to think that I do not create my own opportunities. Well, actually, I've been grooming myself for a big move, just needs to be the right time. I've made many good relationships both personal and professional that will be a great advantage for me when I do make the move. And once I've made enough money to pay off all of my investors and begin to make my own money, then I will buy my mother the sports car she's been asking me for ever since I was 6 or 7 years old, and I will pay for it in cash. I will write about it in my blog the next day, and pat myself on the back for taking some of my own advice and putting it into action.

Anonymous said...

Mama's boy.

Who are you trying to convenience? Me, Mom, everyone reading this blog?

The time is now. There is no sense in waiting. I never heard of a successful person who waited. It sounds like you are relying on your connections. The only person you can truly rely on is yourself.

Maybe you should pay more attention to your Mom, Mama's boy.

You know what they say, Mother knows best.
