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Monday, April 28, 2008

I Thought I Knew Better Than Everyone...Until My Mom Told Me I Didn't

Waddup, waddup, hope everybody was able to enjoy the weekend and the nice weather we were blessed with. It doesn't really happen too often 'round these D.C. Metro parts, so take advantage of it when it happens.

So, my mother called to say hello yesterday after a two week long work trip to Hawaii (tough life, huh?), we usually have pretty insightful conversations. She brought up my morning emails and she told me how she enjoys them, but made note of an important lesson. I tend to be a rather stubborn person, anybody who knows me will agree. I also seem to enjoy expressing my stubborn opinions often and to as many people as possible. My morning emails are a prime example of this, as I express my thoughts and opinions to a rather wide audience daily.

She mentioned that I should not expect everyone to agree with my views, as she does not always agree with them, and that I should be willing to see and understand other opinions and points of view. Well, good news...I do.

Some of my opinions may just be rants, some may be educated guesses, some of them I've learned through experience, some through debate, and some just from listening to other people converse. I will be stubborn once I've formed my own opinions through all of these different avenues of knowledge and wisdom, well at least until somebody proves me wrong, but I definitely do not expect people to just take whatever I say to be gold either. What I do expect is that my morning insight, coupled with jokes here and there, will spark thought. Too often I think we find ourselves stressing about stupid crap, arguing over opinions on religion, or politics, "did Jesus really exist?" or "are we ready for a black president?". These are the kinds of topics that litter our time and our thoughts. What we should be more concerned with are the things that we can do to beter our quality of life.

It doesn't really matter if Jesus really was who the bible says he was, it doesn't really matter what color or sex our president is either. It's the messages in the bible that are important, it's how we guide our president with our voices and our efforts that is important. Who cares what God's real name is? If you want to call him Allah, then by all means, praise to Allah! If you like the ring of God better, then pray to God! If you're into spaceships and Scientology, then try not to publicize it like Tom Cruise has done...

Everybody is always going to have their own opinions, based on events in their lives that formed them. Don't discount anybody's views just because they're different than your own, instead try to understand where they are coming from, maybe you'll learn something new.

On that note I'm gonna hit the sack. Hopefully I'll have a continuation dream from last night where I took over the world and subjected everybody to my views and opinions...I had a little mustache, and rows and rows of ninja warriors marching in unison behind me as I rode atop my white liger! It was awesome...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know what weather you experienced...probably just Saturday, because Sunday was totally gross.
