Ever have anyone pass gas around you and try to pass the blame to the dog? Well, I had that situation happen recently and I don't want to name names, but my sister, Shannon did it and it was horrible! When I confronted her about it, she just kept saying, "It was the LeBleurrrrrrrrr!". I know many of you are probably lost now, but the situation brings up a rather important matter. In the office arena, no matter what the business is, you will find staffs put together as teams. These teams are meant to compliment each other and work together towards the same ultimate goal, each team member playing their part to ensure we do reach that goal.
Well, mistakes do happen and challenges will arise at times, but too often instead of problem-solving being the first reaction, it's finger-pointing and blame-placing that tends to happen before anything else. People seem to be so concerned with making sure others don't think it was their fault, that they sometimes lose sight of the fact that there still is a challenge to deal with. I would suggest that in the future, when an issue comes up, instead of throwing somebody under the bus and thinking the problem is just going to go away, let's first figure out a way to correct the problem and move forward.
Nobody is perfect and everyone makes mistakes (though I my mistakes are very minimal and I'm as close to perfect as it gets...), some mistakes are just more noticeable. So the next time a file gets lost, or your occupancy drops below 97%, or your dodgeball team loses every game in the season, let's try to figure out a solution, and not add to the problem by trying to blame somebody all the time. If you have trouble finding solutions, just ask Jerry, he seems to know everything...
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