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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Walk the Walk

Ya know, I don't know if it's turning 30 that's getting to me, or if it's something else, but lately I've been feeling a sense of emptiness. I have plenty of friends, and a few close ones who are always and will always be there for me, so it's not that I'm lonely or feeling unloved. What it actually is, is a desire to find happiness, true personal happiness. That may sound stupid, but one of the most important things in life is finding happiness within yourself. This doesn't mean sitting around on the couch everyday, eating truffles, and playing with your belly button. You have to figure out what it is that is going to make you happy, really happy. Dream a little, not about flying on a magic carpet or slaying dragons with your mystical ninja skills, but something that you've always wanted to do or be. Something that fifty years from now you can say you did, instead of saying you wished you did. Pursuing this dream of yours may seem overwhelming at first, I know because mine have always overwhelmed me to the point that I do not act on them. Don't look at it as a mountain that you have to somehow get to the top of. Look at it instead as a series of small steps that you have to take, one by one, that will eventually get you where you want to be. You must be careful not to cut any corners when pursuing your dream, as that just wouldn't be fair to you. So, if you want to be a weather girl (insert whatever dream you had in mind), start reading up on what it takes to be a weather girl, practice being a weather girl in your bathroom window (that's how I learned to dance while watching "The Grind" on MTV) and occasionally for friends, allowing them to give you constructive criticisms, and paying close attention to your role models on the news. You're gonna need to find yourself somehow in or around a news room, probably in an entry level position at first, but with your goals in check and a smile on your face I'm sure I'll be watching you on the weather in no time (and I do not, nor have I ever watched the weather, so this is BIG). The only problem is that normally when someone that determined who also possesses all of the necessary tools (pretty face, bright personality, confidence, and intelligence (both book and street sense), the station's gonna want you to be more of a figure head, so either the weather girl becomes the new host of the news, or you end up an anchor.
Please understand that I, in fact, do not aspire to be a weather girl. I only use this example because I'm done talking about my dreams in '09. Barrack says that the change will begin with us, so I am done talking without walking. I've got a lot of walking to do, I'm gonna be exhausted...


Meggers said...

Do you think my ratings would increase once they come to the conclusion that I am in fact a monkey?

Suzanne said...

Hey Jerry!

Really good post -- very inspirational :)

Just as a side note... it's "Barack" ... only one r.
