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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

You Can Learn A Lot From Your Friends

You can get almost anything you want if you know how to ask... Well, maybe not anything, but it's definitely a good idea to be cautious of how you ask for something. Telling someone to give it to you is never a good idea, unless you're The Ninja Emperor. In case you're wondering, yes, I am The Ninja Emperor...

Whether it be advice, an object, attention, work to do, intercourse, the world, or a date with The Gerald, there's always a good way to ask and then some not-so-good ways to ask. The good way to ask may not always get you a "yes" answer, but at least the askee will consider what you're asking. The bad ways to ask will usually get the askee defensive or non-cooperative.

Example: Just this past Friday I'm driving to dinner with a friend, and she says to me, "Jerry, I think I'm awesome and I deserve all of your attention, and if you even think about answering your phone from here to dinner or back, I'll jerk the wheel and send us both into the cliffs of George Washington Parkway!" Wow. That's when I really realized that I don't need a girlfriend after all. I get all of the great perks of having a relationship with a high maintenance chick already!

So I explained to her that I am in fact The Ninja Emperor and that you can't talk to me like that. She abruptly changed her tune and began to ask everything in a much more pleasant manor. It was almost as if she had developed a glow about her (like the glow that some of the soap opera stars get that make them look like angels). I couldn't even say "no" to her anymore, so when she asked me to teach her the secrets of the Ninja, I was lulled almost into a dreamy state and agreed.

Okay, so I went off on a random story, but the message is simply to be weary of the manner by which you ask things, no matter what it is that you're asking. You will get a better, more cooperative response, and many times will even get a "yes" (even when you're asking for ancient sacred ninja secrets).


Anonymous said...

Um, does this open the door to talking about about how you have your cell phone attached to your head at all times, even when you walk in the front door of my house, and I start to have a conversation with you, where I am talking for about five minutes before I realize that you have your earpiece in and you are not listening to me at all. You don't even say hello.

You know, next time you should finish your conversation in the car. Grrr... (I'm shaking my fist at you).

P.S. I'm not high maintenance. Sometimes you are just being stupid and I have to express myself to you in ways that are less than nice.

Anonymous said...

I love you too, Maureen.

Anonymous said...

Yes Jerry.....lets discuss overage minutes :)

Anonymous said...

You should learn to be more considerate of others around you. Talking on the phone while you are in the car with someone else is considered rude. The idea is to think before you act. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Jerry. I swear I didn't leave that last comment. But they raise a great point...
