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Monday, May 26, 2008

Wouldn't It Be Cool If There Really Were Robot Monkeys?

DO YOUR JOB, DUDE! What the hell is wrong with some people? One thing I cannot stand is a person who displays his/her laziness in the workplace by hiding behind, "That's not in my job description..."

These people should all be replaced by robots or monkeys, or maybe even robot monkeys, as I'm sure we could train monkeys and robots to just follow a specific job description, no human common sense and basic decision-making abilities needed. Everybody runs into little things at work that are not necessarily their responsibility, but if they just spent the few minutes to complete, would really help everything run more smoothly.

It might be something like filling in some blanks on a form that was supposed to be there, taking a phone call for somebody else because they're busy, helping out other team members when they're in a bind or in the weeds, doing something nice for Jerry, you know...

They are usually simple things, but can make other people's lives easier and they'll always remember you as someone who helps out, instead of someone who bitches out.

On a brighter note, I watched a movie the other night that was awesome. It was suggested by my mother, and I would also suggest it to you all. It's called "The Great Debaters" and is based on a true story about a black college's debate team during the civil rights movement. It was very moving, and made me open my eyes for a couple of hours to challenges that many others have had to face in their lifetimes, finding a way to somehow overcome and still be successful.

I mean, some of the things that went on would literally make you sick, and yet many were able to endure the suffering and find a way to come out on top. It really puts things in perspective, as the challenges we face in being successful today are nothing compared to what it took for the blacks to find success during The Civil Rights Movement.

I don't have to worry about lynch mobs, the KKK, being considered an equal, etc. So, let's try to stay away from excuses like, "I can't because I have kids now", or "I'm married now, so I can't", or "I'm so tired from working a 12 hour shift", just don't say it, and don't think it either. You would be counting yourself out because you don't think it's possible to be successful or you're just too lazy to find out.

That just doesn't make any sense. I mean, how would you feel if your kids end up adopting the same way of thinking when they get older? You would be a big reason why they either give up on their hopes later, or decide they don't want to be like you and find success that way. Be a role model, be successful, do something great in your life, be alive, and have a good time with it along the way. We do have that opportunity today that many did not have in the past. Take advantage of it.


Anonymous said...

Interesting thoughts from someone who calls an entire race by a random guy's last name.

Looked in the mirror lately?

Anonymous said...

I don't get that last comment. Why are you looking in the mirror?

What's up with the anonymous comments? There is a name section right above the anonymous section. I mean... if you don't want to use your real name, come up with something witty and amusing instead.


Anonymous said...

First off, no, that last comment does not entertain me, but this quote does:

"Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes: assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is: they fuck too much or fuck when it isn't appropriate - and it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes, pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves... because pussies are an inch and half away from ass holes. I don't know much about this crazy, crazy world, but I do know this: If you don't let us fuck this asshole, we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit!"-Gary Johnston, Team America

Which one are you "does this entertain you?", I'm guessing an asshole, but I could be wrong.

Any who-

The Great Debaters, great movie. Watched it this weekend. And I definitely almost cried like five times. But I didn't and James at the end, WOW!

But I do feel you have a valid point Jerry. We live in a time where we can raise our kids to be open minded. Racism will never be eradicated, but we can do our part to make sure it spreads less.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that didn't entertain me either. But at least it wasn't anonymous and that is a start. I don't know why everyone has to be such a hater.

I mean jeez...instead of positive comments it's like bash on Jerry time. And anyone who actually knows Jerry well wouldn't call him racist because he's not.

Anonymous said...

i DID tear up in TGD, and then leaned on cockrell's shoulder to dry my eyes.

we cuddled basically
