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Friday, May 16, 2008

Ronnnn-reeey...I'm so Ronnnnrrreeeeyyy

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone... Man, lately somebody's been feeling lonely... I'm not gonna say who, but his name starts with a "G", ends with a "D" and rhymes with "Awesomest in the whole wide werald!"

I think maybe it's about that time for...DUN DUN DUUUUUUUHN...a girlfriend.

Though the single life is definitely pretty awesome, no fights about nothing, no answering stupid questions like "Do you think I'm pretty?", no obligations that somebody else made for you, no explaining why you're home so late after a night out with the guys, no justifying going out with the guys, no jealousy over your attractive female friends (I guess I can kind of understand, I do have some pretty fly female friends), the list goes on.

Buuuuuut, having said all of that, somehow I miss it a little, and I bet it's possible to find a girl who's not overly jealous, not too high maintenance, and is an advocate of spooning. One of those girls that you can be friends with and just chill, a situation where it makes you happy just to make them happy. I used to think that maybe I was just being too picky or asking too much, but then some of my close friends started finding girls that fulfilled everything they could have possibly wanted and more even.

I'm not saying they have "perfect" relationships, but genuine they do have. Genuine is what you need, I've dated too many girls who just wanted me for my looks until they found out it was only the lighting (I've figured out all of the places that have lighting that favor my appearance and only take dates there in a rotation).

Now there's also the advice that you don't want to look for someone, 'cause you'll never find the right one because your looking. It just has to happen, if it hasn't already. Well, that's frustrating. Screw it, maybe I'll go desperate and have all of you send me suggestions and hone numbers on who I should date, a la Michael from "The Office...

Good luck to me, I'll keep you posted on "The Search for The Gerald's Eternal Servant!"


Anonymous said...

Ooh, now, this one is a fun one.

Herald, have you ever thought that maybe you were having trouble with some women was because you were dating certain types of women? Perhaps if you altered the type of woman you were looking for, you would have better success with some of the issues you spoke of.

A lot of people continually go after the same "type" of person and run into the same issues over and over again with out realizing that they "choose" these issues.

An example:

Someone I know, and I am not going to say who, is pushing 30 and continually dates women who are younger than he is. Then, this random person has complaints about behaviors these women exhibit that are synonamous with their age range, i.e. jealousy issues, high maintenance, etc.

Now, if this person dated people in an older age range, they may not have the same type of issues that they continue to have in relationships.

I want to note that I am generalizing here. (In general) I believe that the older that people (men and women) get (the more life experiences they have), they become more comfortable with themselves, gain greater confidence and don't have as many issues as they do when they are younger.

Obviously, this doesn't apply to all people, you can find a 23 year old that has more of their stuff together than some 45 year olds (I met an out of control woman pushing 40 just last Saturday.)

Anonymous said...

I'm with you here on this. I am wanting a girl to call my own as well, but this is where I run into problems.
A) Most girls I meet, I meet in bars and are usually 'acting' pretty quite girl friend material (but great for um, well...)
B) I seem to share your lighting issue, or maybe it's an alcohol issue...probably a mix of both.
C) They are not genuine as you pointed out.
You know a number of people have told me the same thing don't look for her, she'll find you, blah blah blah. If I'm not looking how the hell is she going to find me. Come to my front door and say hey, I'm your Miss. Perfect, it's a good thing you weren't looking because then you wouldn't be on your couch not looking for me and that's how I found youuuuuuuu. No, sorry 'bout it. I'm with you, that's frustrating, endlessly. You gotta' get up, get out, and get somthin'...
Good luck on your search, but I believe I know of a sexy single belly dancer...and if you fund your 'Eternal Servant" see if she has a sister or a friend that loves cock...rell.

Anonymous said...

You know it's a shame that both of you haven't found "The One" yet, because you both are two of the greatest guys I know. Love you both!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Maureen, but we have found "the one", but we can't decide who gets you. We've been holding this everlasting game of "rock, paper, scissor" to determine a "winner" (I guess that's what we would call the guy who ends up with you??), but his RPS skills are unparalleled! It is only when I summon my sacred chi powers that I am able to tie him. He tries to weaken me with his wines, cheater... I may have to resort to dispatching my unit of midget ninjas, heiling from the mists of Mount Fuji, especially skilled in the art of the "I'm The Winner" technique. Bring it, Cockrell!!

Anonymous said...

Is that what you guys were arguing about at Marrakesh? I wouldnt have sliped that GHB in your drinks if I had known...remember how you got so tired?

And if by "winner" you mean "luckiest guy ever in the history of all men" than yes, that's what you would call the guy who ends up with me.

Anonymous said...

Even my great skills are none for the match of the magical mist from Mount Fuji. But midget ninjas, 'minjas' as they prefer to be called, bow to me. For they know I was once a minja my self. But one Lordess' of The Twin Flame cast a spell upon me to transform from a minja to a ninja. Also in the process my Ro Sham Bo skills were heighten to the top of it's game, therefore rendering me unbeatable (as you know), only capable of ties at the very least...but along with great power there is a great loop hole. I can only lose if the one that walks with 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs at noon, and 3 legs at night touches me with their 3rd leg in my secret spot...

Unknown said...

Jesus... will you guys just have a 3some already?! SOMEONE GET SOME! No one is getting laid!

Reading these comments made me throw up in my mouth.

I need a nutela crepe to get the taste out of my mouth.

Anonymous said...

Um, I know where you can get a peanut butter and nutella crepe...YUM. I'm actually making some tonight for a BBQ I am going to on Sat. I'll make extras.

Anonymous said...

Ninja Emperor,

Do you think this blog was a poor attempt to make a certain someone jealous. Maybe away if telling her how you really feel without actually telling her. Is there a girl out there who continuously reads these blogs. Is this the type of girl that you are great friends with and would be so perfect for you except for that fact she might not be interested. Do you make mix tapes for her and spend every waking moment with her. Keep holding on to that security blanket because the real world can be cold.
