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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Eggs and Chickens

Good morning, and welcome to "A Daily Dose of The Gerald". Sooo, recently while enjoying some of the incredible chicken from Pollo Rico (awesome chicken, and the flan is something special), I was confronted with a question from a co-worker, "does dark meat come from a brown chicken and white meat come from a white chicken??" WHAT?!?! Yes, and brown eggs also come from brown chickens... I was shocked! After thinking about the question for a while, it brought up some valid issues. First of all, for those of you that may be confused right now, all chickens have both white and dark meat in them, just depends on which part of the chicken you get, also hens can lay both brown and white eggs no matter the color of the chicken. Clear?

Okay, so what it brought up is that we can take a lesson from this as it pertains to people. No matter the color, race, sex, sexual preference, hair color, level of awesomeness, we are all basically the same inside. We all have both white meat and dark meat, and we all have the ability to lay both brown and white eggs... Most of us at some point have been guilty of "judging a book by it's cover", and probably continue to do so, but I propose judging a book by it's table of contents at least. How many times has someone judged you before at least opening the book? For example, I'm always getting the "cocky, he must have ten girlfriends, probably gets by on his amazing looks...". Laugh, that was a little bit funny. Have a good day everybody, and do something nice for somebody today, besides reading my email...

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