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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

And then there was light…

So…I haven’t written in a minute and I finally came to grips with the fact that I miss it. Easy cure…start writing! Whenever I get asked why I haven’t posted in so long, my excuse is always that I’m not motivated anymore, that I’ve lost the drive to write, that I used to be inspired everyday to write about things that happened around me and for some reason the inspirations haven’t been there for me. There’s a perfect term for this kind of excuse…”BULLSHIT”. The inspirations are always there, they’ve always been. I constantly find myself surrounded by interesting people with great ideas and points of view on different topics. At least once a day I find myself intrigued by something that has been said or done around me, so I should write about it, and I will.

I know that first paragraph sounded strange, think of it as a submission to The Gerald, by The Gerald, for The Gerald to put more effort on me. The New Year is upon us. It is a time of self-reflection and plans for self improvement, you infidels call them “New Year’s Resolutions”. Most of you (unless you were hiding under a rock made of ice in the mystical mountains of Mars) heard Barrack Obama echo a message of change. Well, there’s always going to be changes in the universe, it’s just a matter of how you effect the changes that happen within your own life, which will also affect the people closest to you. I guess what I’m trying to say is, if you always say how you wanna play softball in the spring, then play softball in the spring. If you always say you wanna get your master’s degree in astrophysics, then go get your damn degree and stop talking about it, and if you want to call Jerry back after he obviously called you at 8:30 in the morning to straighten out some VERY serious information like “is Maureen’s birthday really on New Year’s Eve? I thought it was on New Year’s Day…” before he had to get a phone call from her unexpectedly early at 9:42 in the morning wondering why I had not yet wished her a Happy Birthday, then please do. Phew! So, ring in 2009 like it could be the last. Live for today and do all the things you always say you wanna do, but be conscious of the future (try not to spend your life savings doing it), as I’m sure 2009 won’t actually be the last. Happy New Year everybody.

-The Gerald
